Swift Poems (deluxe)

These four short books each contain one poem by Jonathan Swift — Stella’s Birth-Day (1725), Desire and Possession (1727), The Puppet Show (1729) and A Beautiful Young Nymph Going to Bed (1731).

The books have been researched, designed & hand type-set by Jamie Murphy & Madison Shackell-York, while Designers in Residence at Distillers Press, NCAD, Dublin. Madison produced the four woodcut illustrations while Jamie controlled the  FAG Swiss Proof 40 proofing press. The paper is Zerkall 170gsm mouldmade.

290 x 205 x 17 mm

The type is set in 12 & 22 point Monotype Caslon Old Face  series 128. Monotype’s cut (1916) has little in common with the first designs released by William Caslon I, but nevertheless, while Swift was penning and publishing these four poems, Caslon’s ‘Roman and Italick’ types were also having their first outings (1725—1731). These books have each been printed in an edition of just 50 copies. Numbers 1—40 comprise the standard copies with paper sides, A—J comprise the De Luxe copies which have been case bound & housed in slipcases by Tom Duffy in his studio at Dublin’s Five Lamps.